Playing Casino Holdem is simple and straightforward. To start off, place your bet on the "Ante" circle on your screen. Once all bets are placed, both you and the dealer will receive two cards face down. Three community cards are then dealt onto the table.
At this point in the game, it's time for decision-making! You have two options:** either fold or call. If you decide to fold, you forfeit your ante bet and end that round without any further action. However, if you choose to call (and continue playing), additional bets equaling twice your ante bet must be placed before revealing both sets of cards.
Once all decisions have been made by players at the table – including those who may have folded earlier – it's time for showdown! The dealer reveals their two hole cards along with three more community cards on display for everyone to see.
The goal is simple:** make a better five-card hand than what's displayed by combining any combination from yours and/or shared community cards with upcards held by dealers themselves!